static IEnumerable< Type > | GetTypesWithAttribute (this System.Reflection.Assembly assembly, Type attributeType) |
static bool | IsFlagSet< T > (this T value, T flag) |
static IEnumerable< T > | GetFlags< T > (this T value) |
static T | SetFlags< T > (this T value, T flags, bool on) |
static T | SetFlags< T > (this T value, T flags) |
static T | ClearFlags< T > (this T value, T flags) |
static T | CombineFlags< T > (this IEnumerable< T > flags) |
static string | GetDescription< T > (this T value) |
static void | Write (this NetBuffer message, Point value) |
| Write a Point.
static Point | ReadPoint (this NetBuffer message) |
| Read a Point.
static void | WriteHalfPrecision (this NetBuffer message, float value) |
| Write a Single with half precision (16 bits)
static float | ReadHalfPrecisionSingle (this NetBuffer message) |
| Reads a half precision Single written using WriteHalfPrecision(float)
static void | Write (this NetBuffer message, Vector2 vector) |
| Writes a Vector2.
static Vector2 | ReadVector2 (this NetBuffer message) |
| Reads a Vector2.
static void | Write (this NetBuffer message, Vector3 vector) |
| Writes a Vector3.
static void | WriteHalfPrecision (this NetBuffer message, Vector3 vector) |
| Writes a Vector3 at half precision.
static Vector3 | ReadVector3 (this NetBuffer message) |
| Reads a Vector3.
static Vector3 | ReadHalfPrecisionVector3 (this NetBuffer message) |
| Writes a Vector3 at half precision.
static void | Write (this NetBuffer message, Vector4 vector) |
| Writes a Vector4.
static Vector4 | ReadVector4 (this NetBuffer message) |
| Reads a Vector4.
static void | WriteUnitVector3 (this NetBuffer message, Vector3 unitVector, int numberOfBits) |
| Writes a unit vector (ie. a vector of length 1.0, for example a surface normal) using specified number of bits.
static Vector3 | ReadUnitVector3 (this NetBuffer message, int numberOfBits) |
| Reads a unit vector written using WriteUnitVector3(numberOfBits)
static void | WriteRotation (this NetBuffer message, Quaternion quaternion, int bitsPerElement) |
| Writes a unit quaternion using the specified number of bits per element for a total of 4 x bitsPerElements bits. Suggested value is 8 to 24 bits.
static Quaternion | ReadRotation (this NetBuffer message, int bitsPerElement) |
| Reads a unit quaternion written using WriteRotation(... ,bitsPerElement)
static void | WriteMatrix (this NetBuffer message, ref Matrix matrix) |
| Writes an orthonormal matrix (rotation, translation but not scaling or projection)
static void | WriteMatrix (this NetBuffer message, Matrix matrix) |
| Writes an orthonormal matrix (rotation, translation but no scaling or projection)
static Matrix | ReadMatrix (this NetBuffer message) |
| Reads a matrix written using WriteMatrix()
static void | ReadMatrix (this NetBuffer message, ref Matrix destination) |
| Reads a matrix written using WriteMatrix()
static void | Write (this NetBuffer message, BoundingSphere bounds) |
| Writes a bounding sphere.
static BoundingSphere | ReadBoundingSphere (this NetBuffer message) |
| Reads a bounding sphere written using Write(message, BoundingSphere)
static bool | IsDivisibleBy (this float value, int divider) |
static bool | IsDivisibleBy (this int value, int divider) |
static bool | IsEven (this int i) |
static bool | IsOdd (this int i) |
static Rectangle | GetBorder (this Rectangle rectangle, int BorderSize) |
| Returns a new Rectangle that has been grown by the 'BorderSize' amount.
static Rectangle | GetBorder (this Rectangle rectangle, int BorderSizeX, int BorderSizeY) |
| Returns a new Rectangle that has been grown by the 'BorderSize' amount.
static Rectangle | GetBorder (this Rectangle rectangle, Point BorderSize) |
| Returns a new Rectangle that has been grown by the 'BorderSize' amount.
static Rectangle | GetBorder (this Rectangle rectangle, Vector2 BorderSize) |
| Returns a new Rectangle that has been grown by the 'BorderSize' amount.
static Rectangle | GetPaddedRectangle (this Rectangle rectangle, Vector2 Padding) |
| Gets the padded rectangle.
static Rectangle | GetPaddedRectangle (this Rectangle rectangle, Point Padding) |
| Gets the padded rectangle.
static Rectangle | GetBlurRectangle (this Rectangle rectangle, vxRenderPipeline Renderer) |
| Returns the location of in the blur map.
static Rectangle | Center (this Rectangle Inner, Rectangle Outter, float Scale=1) |
| Centers a specified Inner rectangle within an Outter rectangle.
static Rectangle | GetOffset (this Rectangle rectangle, int x, int y) |
| Gets the offset rectangle.
static Rectangle | GetOffset (this Rectangle rectangle, Point Offset) |
| Gets the offset rectangle.
static Rectangle | GetOffset (this Rectangle rectangle, Vector2 Offset) |
| Gets the offset rectangle.
static Rectangle | GetOffset (this Rectangle rectangle, int xy) |
| Gets the offset rectangle.
static Vector2 | GetIntersectionDepth (this Rectangle rectA, Rectangle rectB) |
| Calculates the signed depth of intersection between two rectangles.
static Vector2 | GetBottomCenter (this Rectangle rect) |
| Gets the position of the center of the bottom edge of the rectangle.
static Vector2 | GetAnchorPosition (this Rectangle rect, vxLayoutJustification justification) |
| Gets the anchor position within the rectangle.
static Vector2 | GetAnchorPosition (this Rectangle rect, vxLayoutJustification justification, Vector2 padding) |
| Gets the padded anchor position within the rectangle.
static void | DrawString (this SpriteBatch spriteBatch, SpriteFont font, string text, Vector2 position, Color color, float scale, vxHorizontalJustification horizontalJustification=vxHorizontalJustification.Left, vxVerticalJustification verticalJustification=vxVerticalJustification.Top, float rotation=0) |
static void | DrawString (this SpriteBatch spriteBatch, SpriteFont font, string text, Vector2 position, Color color, float scale, Vector2 origin) |
static void | DrawString (this SpriteBatch spriteBatch, SpriteFont font, string text, Vector2 position, Color color, Vector2 scale, Vector2 origin) |
static void | DrawString (this SpriteBatch spriteBatch, SpriteFont font, string text, Vector2 position, Color color, Vector2 scale) |
static string | GetClampedString (this SpriteFont Font, string text, int width) |
| Returns the portion of the string within the width.
static string | WrapString (this SpriteFont Font, string text, int Width, float scale=1) |
| Wraps the string.
static string[] | WrapStringToArray (this SpriteFont Font, string text, int Width, float scale=1) |
| Wraps a String based off of the given Font and Width and returns it as an array of strings.
static Point | GetCursorLocation (this SpriteFont Font, string text, int Width, int CursorIndex) |
| A function which searches through a set of lines to see which line the cursor is on. X is the location on that line, and Y is which line it's on.
static string | SplitIntoSentance (this string source) |
| Splits the string by upper case.
static string | ToSentanceCase (this string source) |
| Converts a string into sentance case.
static string | WrapMultilineStringBlock (this string text, int MaxCharsPerLine) |
static string[] | WrapMultilineString (this string text, int MaxCharsPerLine) |
| Wraps a String based off of the given Font and Width.
static string | ReadXML (this string Text, string XMLTag) |
| Takes in a string and parses based off of the 'XML Tag'. If Tag is not found, No text is returned.
static string | WriteXML (this string Text, string XMLTag) |
| Combines Text and XML Tag into String XML Tag line.
static string | GetFileNameFromPath (this string FilePath) |
| Parses this string as a File URL and returns the File Name without the Extention.
static string | GetParentPathFromFilePath (this string FilePath) |
| Parses this string as a File Path and returns the Path Portion.
static void | SaveToDisk (this Texture2D texture, string FileName, ImageType ImageType=ImageType.PNG) |
| Saves the texture to disk.
static byte[] | ToByteArray (this Texture2D texture) |
| Converts a Texture2D to a byte array.
static Color[] | ToColorArray (this Texture2D texture) |
| Converts a Texture2D to a Color array.
static Texture2D | ToTexture2D (this byte[] byteArray, GraphicsDevice GraphicsDevice, int Width, int Height) |
| Converts a Stream of bytes into a Texture2D with the spcecified Width and Height.
static Texture2D | Resize (this Texture2D texture, Point newSize) |
| Resize a Texture to a new Width and Height.
static Texture2D | Resize (this Texture2D texture, int NewWidth, int NewHeight) |
| Resize a Texture to a new Width and Height.
static Texture2D | Crop (this Texture2D texture, Rectangle CropRectangle) |
| Crops a Portion of a Texture and returns a New Texture.
static float | GetAspectRatio (this Texture2D texture) |
| Returns the aspect ratio of this Texture2D (Width / Height)
static Texture2D | ToVector4 (this Texture2D texture, GraphicsDevice device) |
| Returns a new Texture with the SurfaceFormat converted from Color to Vector4.
static float[,] | ToHeightMapDataArray (this Texture2D heightMap, float HeightScaleFactor=0.125f) |
| Loads the Height Data from this Texture.
static string | GetMinuteTimespanString (this TimeSpan timespan) |
| Gets the Minute Values of the Time Span as a string.
static string | GetShortenedTimespanString (this TimeSpan timespan) |
| Returns a String of a Shortened Time Span.
static bool | IsNan (this Vector3 vector) |
static bool | IsNan (this Quaternion quaternion) |
static Point | Add (this Point vectr, Point pnt1) |
| Adds two different Points from each other.
static Point | Add (this Point vectr, Point pnt1, Point pnt2) |
| Adds two different Points from each other.
static Point | Subtract (this Point vectr, Point pnt1) |
| Subtracts two different Points from each other.
static Point | Subtract (this Point vectr, Point pnt1, Point pnt2) |
| Subtracts two different Points from each other.
static Point | ToPoint (this Vector2 vector) |
| Extension method which converts a Vector2 to a Point;.
static Vector2 | ToVector2 (this Point point) |
| Extension method which converts a Vector2 to a Point;.
static Vector2 | ToLayoutScale (this Vector2 point) |
| Resizes a vector2 based off of the vxLayout.Scale value.
static Vector2 | ToIntValue (this Vector2 point) |
| Converts the Vector2 X and Y components to integer values (i.e. whole numbers).
static Vector3 | ToIntValue (this Vector3 point) |
| Converts the Vector3 X, Y & Z components to integer values (i.e. whole numbers).
static Vector2 | ToVector2 (this Vector3 vector3) |
| Converts a Vector3 to a Vector2 by taking the X and Z coordinates as X and Y coordinates. This is often helpful in Height Maps.
static Color | ToColor (this Vector3 vector3) |
static Color | ToColor (this Vector4 vector4) |
| Converts a Vector4 To a Colour.
static Vector2 | Rotate (this Vector2 vector, float radians) |
| Rotates a Vector.
static Vector2 | GetRotatedVector (this Vector2 vector, float rotation) |
| Gets the rotated vector.
static Vector2 | ProjectToScreenPosition (this GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice, Vector3 position, Matrix projection, Matrix view) |
| Projects the position to screen scape and returns a Vector 2.