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Vertices Engine
A Cross Platform game engine developed by Virtex Edge Design.
Classes | |
class | NativeMessageBox |
class | SteppedVar |
class | UnsafeNativeMethods |
class | vxColourUtil |
class | vxGeometryHelper |
Collection of Statix Methods which provide helpful Gemoetry Functions. More... | |
class | vxIO |
Collection of static utility methods. More... | |
class | vxNativeMethods |
class | vxPlatformString |
Different set of strings based off of. More... | |
class | vxRecursiveFileDialogItemProcessor |
A utility class for handling recursive file dialog processing. More... | |
class | vxSanitizer |
Text sanitizer which ensures properly formatted text, checks for profanity etc... More... | |
class | vxSystemInfo |
Holds the current system info for the machine running the game. More... | |
class | vxTimeSpan |
class | vxUtil |
Collection of static utility methods. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | MsgBoxResult : int { Abort = 3 , Cancel = 2 , Ignore = 5 , No = 7 , Ok = 1 , Retry = 4 , Yes = 6 } |
enum | MsgBoxStyle { OkOnly = 0 , OkCancel = 1 , AbortRetryIgnore = 2 , YesNoCancel = AbortRetryIgnore | OkCancel , YesNo = 4 , RetryCancel = YesNo | OkCancel , Critical = 16 , Question = 32 , Exclamation = Question | Critical , Information = 64 , DefaultButton1 = 0 , DefaultButton2 = 256 , DefaultButton3 = 512 , ApplicationModal = 0 , SystemModal = 4096 , MsgBoxHelp = 16384 , MsgBoxRight = 524288 , MsgBoxRtlReading = 1048576 , MsgBoxSetForeground = 65536 } |