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Vertices Engine
A Cross Platform game engine developed by Virtex Edge Design.
Classes | |
struct | ImportedFileInfo |
class | RenderPassTransformData |
Data needed for this transform for the render pass. This usually holds calculated matrices such as WVP, INV_W etc... so that they're only calculated once per-entity per render loop. More... | |
class | vxAudioSettingsAttribute |
class | vxBaseScene |
A scene is a single layer that has update and draw logic, and which can be combined with other layers to build up a complex game and menu system. For instance the main menu, the options menu, the "are you sure you
want to quit" message box, and the main game itself are all implemented as scenes. More... | |
class | vxCamera |
Base Camera Entity for rendering scenes and views. More... | |
class | vxCamera2D |
class | vxCamera2DBasicInputController |
class | vxCamera3D |
Simple Camera class. More... | |
class | vxCameraChaseController |
Handles Camera FPS Controls. More... | |
class | vxCameraFpsController |
Handles Camera FPS Controls. More... | |
class | vxCameraFreeRoamController |
Handles Camera Free Roam Controls. More... | |
class | vxCameraManager |
class | vxCameraOrbitController |
Handles Camera Orbit Controls. More... | |
class | vxCameraSceneEditorController |
Handles Camera Free Roam Controls. More... | |
class | vxComponent |
Component to be attached to an entitiy which allows for containerized functionality. More... | |
class | vxConsole |
Console Utility which provides output too both the in-game console window as well as the system console if available. More... | |
class | vxCoroutine |
class | vxCoroutineManager |
class | vxDebug |
A system for handling rendering of various debug shapes. More... | |
class | vxDistortionEntity2D |
class | vxEngine |
The vxEngine is a component which manages one or more vxGameBaseScreen instances. It maintains a stack of screens, calls their Update and Draw methods at the appropriate times, and automatically routes input to the topmost active screen. More... | |
class | vxEngineAssets |
Class for holding all Internal Engine Assets. More... | |
class | vxEngineAttribute |
class | vxEngineSettingsAttribute |
An engine specific setting which should be serialised to an *.ini file. More... | |
class | vxEntity |
Base Entity in the Virtex vxEngine which controls all Rendering and Provides position and world matrix updates to the other required entities. More... | |
class | vxEntity2D |
A Two Dimensional Entity which uses a Farseerer Body too set it's position, or vice versa. More... | |
class | vxEntity3D |
Base Entity in the Virtex vxEngine which controls all Rendering and Provides position and world matrix updates to the other required entities. More... | |
class | vxEntityCreationProcedure |
When an entity is created there could be more than 1 step required. The user may need to click on two types of entities to connect this entity. More... | |
class | vxEntityRegister |
Handles Entities and Particle registration from content packs. More... | |
class | vxEntitySpriteSheetDefinition |
This is a Entity Sprite Sheet Definition, which holds sprite retreival info for a speifici type. The sprite sheet used is the content pack's main sprite sheet. More... | |
class | vxExtentions |
class | vxGame |
This is the foundational class of the entire engine. You will need to create a class which inherit from vxGame and provide the proper overrides for configuration. More... | |
class | vxGameAttributeException |
class | vxGameConfig |
class | vxGameConfigurationsAttribute |
This holds all configuration options for the game such as Name as well as is there Player Profile support, Network support etc... More... | |
class | vxGameObject |
This is the base class for all items in the Vertices Engine. It allows access to basic variables such as the Engine and the GraphicsDevice. More... | |
class | vxGameplayScene2D |
The vxGameplayScene2D class implements the actual game logic for 2D Games. More... | |
class | vxGameplayScene3D |
The vxGameplayScene3D class implements the actual game logic for 3D Games. More... | |
class | vxGameplaySceneBase |
This screen implements the actual game logic. It is just a placeholder to get the idea across: you'll probably want to put some more interesting gameplay in here! More... | |
class | vxGameSettingsAttribute |
A game specific setting which should be serialised to an *.ini file. More... | |
class | vxGraphicalSettingsAttribute |
interface | vxIEngineSubSystem |
interface | vxIInitializationStep |
A initialization step. More... | |
class | vxInputSettingsAttribute |
interface | vxISceneSubSystem |
interface | vxISelectable |
This item can be selected in the sandbox. More... | |
interface | vxISubSystem |
A sub system which can either run within the context of the engine or within the context of a scene. More... | |
class | vxItemList |
class | vxLocalizer |
Holds, converts and localizes content for different regions. More... | |
class | vxLocKeys |
Localization keys for vxLocKeys. More... | |
class | vxMathHelper |
Math Helper Library with an extension of Mathematically Helpful Functions. More... | |
class | vxRandom |
Random Value Generator. More... | |
class | vxRangeAttribute |
Properties with this Attribute will be shown in the Sandbox Properties Control. More... | |
class | vxRegisterAsSandboxEntityAttribute |
class | vxSandboxEntityCategory |
This is a main category of Sandbox Entity types. This holds a name and a list of 'sub categories'. More... | |
class | vxSandboxEntityMetaAttribute |
Additional Sandbox Entity Meta Info such as Icon Location and description. More... | |
class | vxSandboxEntityRegistrationInfo |
This class holds all information to register an entity with the vxSandbox enviroment. More... | |
class | vxSandboxEntitySubCategory |
This a sub category which holds a list of entities within it. More... | |
class | vxSandboxFileLoadResult |
class | vxSandboxItemSelectedEventArgs |
Event Args called when an item is selected for an inspector property. More... | |
class | vxSandboxItemSelectedForInspectorEventArgs |
Event Args called when an item is selected for an inspector property. More... | |
class | vxSaveBusyScreen |
The save busy screen. More... | |
class | vxSaveBusyScreen2D |
The save busy screen for 2D Scene. More... | |
class | vxSaveBusyScreen3D |
The save busy screen for 3D Scene. More... | |
class | vxSceneManager |
The Scene Manager which handles Scene Loading and drawing. More... | |
class | vxSceneProperties |
The scene properties object essentially exposes variables in the inspector. More... | |
class | vxScreen |
The Engine Graphical Settings Manager which holds all of settings for engine graphics such as resolution, fullscreen, vsync as well as other Depth of Field toggle or Cascade Shadow qaulity. More... | |
class | vxSerialiseAttribute |
Serialises an objects field or property to be saved in the sandbox. More... | |
class | vxSettings |
The Serializable Settings class. This class creates Property get/set . More... | |
class | vxSettingsAttribute |
class | vxShowInInspectorAttribute |
Properties with this Attribute will be shown in the Sandbox Properties Control. More... | |
class | vxTime |
A static class which holds a number of different classes for handling time. More... | |
class | vxTransform |
This is the main transform class which houses an entities scale, position and orientations. More... | |
class | vxUtilCamera3D |
A utility camera. More... | |
class | vxUtilCameraEntity |
class | vxWaitForSeconds |
class | vxWaterEntity |
Enumerations | |
enum | EntityAssetType { Model , Texture , SpriteSheet } |
enum | vxCameraType { Freeroam , CharacterFPS , ChaseCamera , Orbit , OnRails , SceneEditor , External } |
Whether or not to use the default free-flight camera controls. Set to false when using vehicles or character controllers. More... | |
enum | vxCameraProjectionType { Perspective , Orthographic } |
enum | EntityType { BaseEntity , Joint , Particle } |
enum | SandboxOptions { Delete = 1 , Save = 2 , Export = 4 } |
enum | ItemDirection { Left , Right } |
enum | vxEntityCategory { Axis , Rotator , Pan , Entity , Particle } |
enum | vxStartGameMode { Editor , GamePlay } |
Sandbox game type. Is it a fresh start, should it open a file, or is it running the file as a game. More... | |
enum | vxEnumSandboxStatus { EditMode , Running } |
Sandbox game state. More... | |
enum | vxEnumSanboxEditMode { AddItem , SelectItem , TerrainEdit } |
enum | vxEnumTerrainEditMode { Disabled , Sculpt , TexturePaint } |
enum | vxEnumAddMode { OnPlane , OnSurface } |
enum | TimeOfDay { Morning , Day , Evening , Night } |
What time is it Mr. Wolf. | |
enum | vxSandboxFileLoadError { None = 0 , Misc = 1 , FileNotFound = 2 , PluginNotFound = 3 } |
enum | vxEditorCameraMode { Editor , Fly , Orbit } |
Editor Camera Mode. More... | |
enum | MouseClickState { SelectItem , ReturnItemToInspector } |
What should happen when we click a Mouse Click. More... | |
enum | vxEnumFalloffRate { Linear , Flat , Smooth } |
The falloff rate for area of effects. Often time this is used in Terrain Editing and painting. More... | |
enum | vxEnumAreaOfEffectMode { Delta , Averaged } |
The mode for scultping, whether it's averaging, or creates a delta (addative/subtractive). More... | |
enum | vxEnumQuality { None = 0 , Low = 1 , Medium = 2 , High = 3 , Ultra = 4 } |
enum | SubSystemType { Engine , Scene } |
enum | vxPlatformOS { Windows , OSX , Linux , iOS , Android , Switch } |
enum | vxPlatformHardwareType { Desktop , Console , Mobile , Web } |
Which type of hardware are we running on? Desktop, Console, Mobile etc... | |
enum | vxPlatformType { None , Steam , ItchIO , Discord , GooglePlayStore , AmazonPlayStore , AppleAppStore , NintendoSwitch } |
enum | vxBuildType { Debug , Release } |
enum of build configuration types. This can be used instead of compiler flags so to allows for special debug code that can still be run in a release version. More... | |
enum | GameInitializationStage { Waiting , PrimaryStartup , TitlePage , PromptWithEULA , NotifyOfPermissions , SigningInUser , LoadingGlobalContent , CheckIfUpdated , GameSpecificChecks , ReadyToRun , Running } |
This has the games initializing stages. More... | |
enum | vxSelectionState { None , Hover , Selected } |
Selection state, useful for Sandbox items. More... | |
enum | ScreenState { TransitionOn , Active , TransitionOff , Hidden } |
Enum describes the screen transition state. More... | |
enum | vxGameConfigFlags { ControlsSettings = 1 , GraphicsSettings = 2 , AudioSettings = 4 , LanguageSettings = 8 , NetworkEnabled = 16 , IsCursorVisible = 32 , PlayerProfileSupport = 128 , LeaderboardsSupport = 256 , AchievementsSupport = 512 , InAppPurchases = 1024 } |
Flags which are provided at launch which tell Vertices what settings and systems this game supports. More... | |
enum | vxInspectorCategory { BasicProperties , EntityProperties , EntityTransformProperties , ModelProperties , GraphicalProperies } |
General Inspector Categories. | |
enum | vxInspectorShaderCategory { AntiAliasing , BlurShader , Bloom , MotionBlur , DeferredRenderer , DepthOfField , Distortion , EdgeDetection , GodRays , Lighting , ShadowMapping , ScreenSpaceAmbientOcclusion , ScreenSpaceReflections } |
This has the games initializing stages.
enum of build configuration types. This can be used instead of compiler flags so to allows for special debug code that can still be run in a release version.
Whether or not to use the default free-flight camera controls. Set to false when using vehicles or character controllers.
Enumerator | |
SceneEditor | The Scene Editor camera controll. |
External | An external camera controller. Set this if you're going to attach your own camera controller to it. |
The falloff rate for area of effects. Often time this is used in Terrain Editing and painting.
Flags which are provided at launch which tell Vertices what settings and systems this game supports.
Sandbox game type. Is it a fresh start, should it open a file, or is it running the file as a game.
Enumerator | |
Editor | Starts the level in Editor Mode. |
GamePlay | Runs the level as if it's the game, no editing is allowed in this setting. |