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Vertices Engine
A Cross Platform game engine developed by Virtex Edge Design.
Classes | |
class | Layer |
class | LensFlareComponent |
Reusable component for drawing a lensflare effect over the top of a 3D scene. More... | |
class | NonPhotoRealisticSettings |
Class holds all the settings used to tweak the non-photorealistic rendering. More... | |
class | TextureSet |
A set of textures which include a. More... | |
class | vxAntiAliasPostProcess |
class | vxAssetCreator2D |
This is a 2D Asset Creator which can generate Textures from Farseer Assets. This has been taken and slightly modified from the Farseer Test Bed. More... | |
class | vxBlurEffectsPostProcess |
Takes the current scene and applies Bloom, Depth of Field and Chromatic Aboration to that scene. More... | |
class | vxCameraMotionBlurPostProcess |
Grab a scene that has already been rendered, and add a distortion effect over the top of it. More... | |
class | vxCascadeShadowRenderPass |
Cascade Shadow Map Rendering Pass. More... | |
class | vxDebugEffect |
class | vxDebugRenderPass |
Grab a scene that has already been rendered, and add a distortion effect over the top of it. More... | |
class | vxDirectionalLight |
Base class for a 3D Light Entity used in Defferred Rendering. More... | |
class | vxDistortionPostProcess |
Grab a scene that has already been rendered, and add a distortion effect over the top of it. More... | |
class | vxDistortionPostProcess2D |
Grab a scene that has already been rendered, and add a distortion effect over the top of it. More... | |
class | vxEdgeDetectPostProcess |
class | vxEditorTempEntityEffect |
class | vxEffectParameter |
Effect parameter. More... | |
class | vxEntityRenderer |
class | vxFogPostProcess |
Grab a scene that has already been rendered, and add a distortion effect over the top of it. More... | |
class | vxGBufferRenderingPass |
class | vxGraphics |
Graphical Variables like the Main Sprite Sheet and Getting New Render Textures. More... | |
class | vxImportResult |
interface | vxIRenderPass |
class | vxLensFlareComponent |
Reusable component for drawing a lensflare effect over the top of a 3D scene. More... | |
class | vxLightEntity |
Base class for a 3D Light Entity used in Defferred Rendering. More... | |
class | vxLineBatch |
This is a Line Batch Drawer which can draw lines based off a number of different inputs (i.e. Shapes, Vertices etc...). This has been taken and slightly modified from the Farseer Test Bed. More... | |
class | vxLineRenderer |
class | vxMainScene2DRenderPass |
This is the main scene render pass for a 3D scene. This first draws all meshes' with opaque and then performs a alpha pass. More... | |
class | vxMainScene3DRenderPass |
This is the main scene render pass for a 3D scene. This first draws all meshes' with opaque and then performs a alpha pass. More... | |
class | vxMaterial |
A material is what is used to draw a mesh. It can expose common shader parameters along with allowing for expansion. More... | |
class | vxMesh |
A custom mesh class which holds vertices mesh data and texture references. Note a material should be applied to this mesh. More... | |
class | vxMeshHelper |
A Model Class which loads and processes all data at runtime. Although this add's to load times, it allows for more control as well as modding for any and all models which are used in the game. Using three different models to handle different types of rendering does add too over all installation size, it is necessary to allow the shaders to be compiled for cross platform use. More... | |
class | vxMeshRenderer |
Mesh Renderer Component for centralizing the logic for rendering a 3D Mesh with a specific set of materials. More... | |
class | vxMeshSet |
This is an experimental system which works with *obj models on their most basic levels allowing for Voxel engines and Pseudo "Instance Meshing to be possible within Monogame and on a cross platform level. More... | |
struct | vxMeshVertex |
The vertex structure for drawing Models in the Vertices Engine. It uses Position, Normal, UV, Tangent and BiNormal. More... | |
class | vxModelMesh |
The model mesh. More... | |
class | vxModelMeshPart |
The model mesh part which holds the Geometry data such as Vertices, Normal, UV Texture Coordinates, Binormal and Tangent data. More... | |
class | vxModelVoxel |
Imports an *.obj file, parsing out the Vertices, Texture UV Coordinates as well as Vertice Normals. More... | |
class | vxOutlineEffect |
class | vxParticleRenderer |
Mesh Renderer Component for centralizing the logic for rendering a 3D Mesh with a specific set of materials. More... | |
class | vxRenderPass |
The base class for creating a Post Processor for the Vertices Engine. More... | |
class | vxRenderPipeline |
This component renders a scene given the camera. More... | |
class | vxRenderSettings |
class | vxSceneBlurPostProcess |
class | vxSceneLightRenderingPass |
The Scene Lighting Pass applies all lighting including both applying shadows and lights to the scene. More... | |
class | vxSelectedItemEdgePostProcess |
class | vxShader |
A shader is a class which is used to draw an object. These essentially consuming and extend the previous 'Effect' class from XNA and MonoGame. More... | |
class | vxShadowEffect |
class | vxSkyBoxMaterial |
class | vxSkyboxRenderer |
Mesh Renderer Component for centralizing the logic for rendering a 3D Mesh with a specific set of materials. More... | |
class | vxSpriteBatch |
The sprite batch used by the Vertices Engine to measure and count Batch Calls. This is mostly for profiling and organization as well as allows for extention methods to be created. More... | |
class | vxSpriteRenderer |
class | vxStaticMeshRenderer |
Static Mesh Renderer is used for grouping static objects together to all be rendered as a group instead of rendering each mesh/object individually. Note that this must be an object which doesn't move and will use the same material for all objects. More... | |
class | vxSunLightPostProcess |
Renders the sun effects such as lens flare and god rays. More... | |
class | vxTerrainMeshPart |
The model mesh part which holds the Geometry data such as Vertices, Normal, UV Texture Coordinates, Binormal and Tangent data. More... | |
class | vxTerrainModelMesh |
The model mesh part which holds the Geometry data such as Vertices, Normal, UV Texture Coordinates, Binormal and Tangent data. More... | |
class | vxUtilityEffect |
class | vxViewportManager |
Viewport manager which really only reports different facts about Cameras and Viewports being used. It also draws the Split Screen borders, so if you want a different look, then override this class. More... | |
class | vxWaterMaterial |
Enumerations | |
enum | LightType { Point , Directional } |
enum | vxFullScreenMode { Windowed , Borderless , Fullscreen } |
What is the full screen mode of the current screen. | |
enum | DistortionTechniques { DisplacementMapped , HeatHaze , PullIn , ZeroDisplacement } |
Distortion techniques. More... | |
enum | MeshTextureType { Diffuse , NormalMap , RMAMap , DistortionMap , CubeMap , EmissiveMap } |
enum | vxAntiAliasType { None , FXAA } |
enum | vxEnumBlurDirection { PreBloom , BlurredHorizontally , BlurredBothWays , FinalResult } |
Intermediate buffer. Optionally displays one of the intermediate buffers used by the bloom postprocess, so you can see exactly what is being drawn into each rendertarget. More... | |
enum | vxImportResultStatus { Success , Warnings , Errors } |
enum | ReflectionType { None , CubeMaps , SSR } |
enum | vxGraphicalBackend { DirectX , OpenGL , Android , iOS } |
An enum holding the platform/backend type for this engine build. More... | |
Intermediate buffer. Optionally displays one of the intermediate buffers used by the bloom postprocess, so you can see exactly what is being drawn into each rendertarget.
Enumerator | |
PreBloom | The pre bloom. |
BlurredHorizontally | The blurred horizontally. |
BlurredBothWays | The blurred both ways. |
FinalResult | The final result. |