Vertices Engine  v1.9.2.92
A Cross Platform game engine developed by Virtex Edge Design.
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 CVerticesEngine.Input.AccelerometerA static encapsulation of accelerometer input to provide games with a polling-based accelerometer system
 CVerticesEngine.Input.AccelerometerStateAn encapsulation of the accelerometer's current state
 CVerticesEngine.Audio.vxAudioManager.ActiveSoundInternal helper class for keeping track of an active 3D sound, and remembering which emitter object it is attached to
 CVerticesEngine.Controllers.CameraControlSchemeSuperclass of implementations which control the behavior of a camera
 CVerticesEngine.Controllers.CharacterControllerInputHandles input and movement of a character in the game. Acts as a simple 'front end' for the bookkeeping and math of the character controller
 CVerticesEngine.Diagnostics.CommandInfoCommandInfo class that contains information to run the command
 CVerticesEngine.Diagnostics.IDebugCommandExecutionerInterface for debug command executioner
 CVerticesEngine.Diagnostics.IDebugEchoListnerInterface for debug command message listener
 CVerticesEngine.Profile.ItchProfileResponseThe expected response from Itch with player profile info
 CVerticesEngine.Diagnostics.KeyboardUtilsHelper class for keyboard input
 CVerticesEngine.Graphics.LensFlareComponentReusable component for drawing a lensflare effect over the top of a 3D scene
 CVerticesEngine.vxEngineAssets.ModelsInternal Engine Sound Effects
 CVerticesEngine.Audio.vxAudioManager.MusicMusic Song Collections
 CVerticesEngine.Graphics.NonPhotoRealisticSettingsClass holds all the settings used to tweak the non-photorealistic rendering
 CVerticesEngine.Graphics.vxRenderPipeline.PassesCollection of Engine Passes
 CVerticesEngine.vxEngineAssets.PostProcessShadersModel Shaders
 CVerticesEngine.RenderPassTransformDataData needed for this transform for the render pass. This usually holds calculated matrices such as WVP, INV_W etc... so that they're only calculated once per-entity per render loop
 CVerticesEngine.vxEngineAssets.ShadersThe models
 CVerticesEngine.UI.Themes.vxUITheme.SpriteSheetLocThe Sprite Sheet Locations for Common GUI Items such as Arrows
 CVerticesEngine.Utilities.SteppedVar< T >
 CVerticesEngine.Diagnostics.StringBuilderExtensionsStatic class for string builder extension methods
 CVerticesEngine.Diagnostics.vxProfiler.TagsProfiler tags
 CVerticesEngine.Graphics.TextureSetA set of textures which include a
 CVerticesEngine.Input.TouchCollectionExtensionsProvides extension methods for the TouchCollection type
 CVerticesEngine.Graphics.vxGraphics.UtilUtilities for graphics
 CVerticesEngine.Profile.vxAchievementThis class holds all information for an achievement
 CVerticesEngine.Monetization.Ads.vxAdManagerThe engine ad manager for mobile releases
 CVerticesEngine.Graphics.Animation.vxAnimationSprite2DRepresents an animated texture
 CVerticesEngine.UI.vxArtProviderBaseArt provider base class which holds common elements such as Padding, Highlight colour etc..
 CVerticesEngine.Graphics.vxAssetCreator2DThis is a 2D Asset Creator which can generate Textures from Farseer Assets. This has been taken and slightly modified from the Farseer Test Bed
 CVerticesEngine.Audio.vxAudioManagerAudio manager keeps track of what 3D sounds are playing, updating their settings as the camera and entities move around the world, and automatically disposing sound effect instances after they finish playing
 CVerticesEngine.Commands.vxCommandThe class containing Do-Redo support for handling Redo-Undo in a sandbox enviroment
 CVerticesEngine.Commands.vxCommandManagerManages Do-Undo control in a sandbox enviroment
 CVerticesEngine.vxConsoleConsole Utility which provides output too both the in-game console window as well as the system console if available
 CVerticesEngine.ContentManagement.vxContentManagerClass which encorporates a number of different functions for asset loading and content management
 CVerticesEngine.Plugins.vxContentPackManagerThis class handles all of the plugins for a Vertices game, whether it's DLC or Mods
 CVerticesEngine.Diagnostics.vxCrashHandlerThe Crash Handler Game is a self contained game class which can be put in a try-catch block at the initial entry point of the game. This allows for debug messages and crash output to be caught and shown on Releases and on non-easily-debugable systems (i.e. Mobile, Consoles etc...)
 CVerticesEngine.vxDebugA system for handling rendering of various debug shapes
 CVerticesEngine.Diagnostics.vxDebugTimerGraphSetThis is an internal Engine stop watch control to measure performance
 CVerticesEngine.Graphics.vxEffectParameterEffect parameter
 CVerticesEngine.vxEngineAssetsClass for holding all Internal Engine Assets
 CVerticesEngine.vxEntityCreationProcedureWhen an entity is created there could be more than 1 step required. The user may need to click on two types of entities to connect this entity
 CVerticesEngine.vxEntityRegisterHandles Entities and Particle registration from content packs
 CVerticesEngine.vxEntitySpriteSheetDefinitionThis is a Entity Sprite Sheet Definition, which holds sprite retreival info for a speifici type. The sprite sheet used is the content pack's main sprite sheet
 CVerticesEngine.UI.Dialogs.vxFileDialog< vxCommunityWorkshopResultsDialogItem >
 CVerticesEngine.UI.Dialogs.vxFileDialog< vxOpenSandboxFileDialogItem >
 CVerticesEngine.Serilization.vxFileInfoThis class holds serializable file info for basic Vertices Engine Game Files. It holds information such as game title, Platform it was saved on, file io version etc
 CVerticesEngine.UI.vxFontPackThis loads and holds a Font Pack for a number of different font sizes. It wil hold sizes of 12, 16, 20, 24 and 36. You must have your fonts in the path you sent to the constructor labeled as 'font_12' 'font_16' etc..
 CVerticesEngine.Utilities.vxGeometryHelperCollection of Statix Methods which provide helpful Gemoetry Functions
 CVerticesEngine.Serilization.vxGraphicalAntiAliasingSettingsThis holds the Serializable data for the Anti Aliasing Settings
 CVerticesEngine.Serilization.vxGraphicalBaseBooleanSettingThe Serializeable Boolean Setting Element for the Graphical Settings
 CVerticesEngine.Serilization.vxGraphicalBaseQualitySettingThe Serializeable Boolean Setting Element for the Graphical Settings
 CVerticesEngine.Graphics.vxGraphicsGraphical Variables like the Main Sprite Sheet and Getting New Render Textures
 CVerticesEngine.Monetization.Ads.vxIAdProviderThe ad provider interface which gives a method for injecting different ad providers
 CVerticesEngine.Plugins.vxIContentPackThe Plugin Interface for creating DLC and Mod packs for Vertices Engine Games. DLC and Mods are treated very similar for ease of use and production
 CVerticesEngine.Monetization.Purchases.vxIInAppPurchaseProviderIn App Purchase wrapper
 CVerticesEngine.vxIInitializationStepA initialization step
 CVerticesEngine.Monetization.Purchases.vxInAppProductThis is an in app product which is available for purchase from the relavant plaform store
 CVerticesEngine.Monetization.Purchases.vxInAppProductManagerThe In App Product Manager which holds all information for available in app products available for this game on this platform
 CVerticesEngine.Net.vxINetGameplaySceneThe networked gameplay interface which holds stubs for methods which the networking system will call
 CVerticesEngine.Net.Messages.vxINetMessageIncomingThis is the bases for an incoming message. This can act as a wrapper for Steam, Lidgen or Android messages
 CVerticesEngine.Net.vxINetworkConfigA network config interface which allows per-game customization and configuration of the networking code
 CVerticesEngine.Net.Messages.vxINetworkMessageThe Network Message Intergace for exchanging data between server and clients
 CVerticesEngine.Input.vxInputThe central Input Manager Class for the Vertices Engine. This handles all types of input, from Keyboard, Mouse, GamePad touch and gesture support
 CVerticesEngine.Input.vxInputCursorRendererAn extensible class which Handles visual logic for drawing the cursor, and how the cursor should visually change based on input state. Inherit this class to create your own custom cursor visuals
 CVerticesEngine.Utilities.vxIOCollection of static utility methods
 CVerticesEngine.Profile.vxIPlayerProfilePlatform specific wrapper for handling player profile. This is used for providing which player is currently playing through steam
 CVerticesEngine.Plugins.vxIPluginThe Plugin Interface for creating DLC and Mod packs for Vertices Engine Games. DLC and Mods are treated very similar for ease of use and production
 CVerticesEngine.vxISelectableThis item can be selected in the sandbox
 CVerticesEngine.Input.vxKeyBindingsClass holding Key Press Type for common movements. This allows players to customise keyboard controls for different keyboard types
 CVerticesEngine.UI.vxLayoutLayout class that supports title safe area
 CVerticesEngine.Profile.vxLeaderboardVx leaderboard
 CVerticesEngine.Graphics.vxLensFlareComponentReusable component for drawing a lensflare effect over the top of a 3D scene
 CVerticesEngine.Graphics.vxLightEntityBase class for a 3D Light Entity used in Defferred Rendering
 CVerticesEngine.vxLocalizerHolds, converts and localizes content for different regions
 CVerticesEngine.vxLocKeysLocalization keys for vxLocKeys
 CVerticesEngine.vxMathHelperMath Helper Library with an extension of Mathematically Helpful Functions
 CVerticesEngine.Graphics.vxMeshHelperA Model Class which loads and processes all data at runtime. Although this add's to load times, it allows for more control as well as modding for any and all models which are used in the game. Using three different models to handle different types of rendering does add too over all installation size, it is necessary to allow the shaders to be compiled for cross platform use
 CVerticesEngine.Graphics.vxMeshSetThis is an experimental system which works with *obj models on their most basic levels allowing for Voxel engines and Pseudo "Instance Meshing to be possible within Monogame and on a cross platform level
 CVerticesEngine.Graphics.vxModelVoxelImports an *.obj file, parsing out the Vertices, Texture UV Coordinates as well as Vertice Normals
 CVerticesEngine.Net.vxNetEntity3DStateThis holds all data needed to update the state of a multiplayer entity
 CVerticesEngine.Net.vxNetEntityStateThis holds all data needed to update the state of a multiplayer entity
 CVerticesEngine.Net.vxNetPlayerInfoThis is a base class which holds basic information for a player in the server/client system
 CVerticesEngine.UI.Controls.vxNotificationManagerNotification Manager, which allows cross platform notifications to be posted to the screen for the user, similar to the 'Toast' notifications in Android
 CVerticesEngine.Particles.vxParticleSystemThe particle system instance
 CVerticesEngine.Physics.vxPhysicsManagerThis is the physics manager which holds settings and references to the different physics solver backends
 CVerticesEngine.Physics.vxPhysicsSystemThis is the physics manager which holds settings and references to the different physics solver backends
 CVerticesEngine.Profile.vxPlatformThis class allows access to all of the platform specific functions such as the signed in player, or unlocking achievements, viewing leaderboards etc... The default platform wrappers are provided for Steam, Google Play and iOS. You can create your own by implementing the vxIPlayerProfile interface and overriding the VerticesEngine.vxGame.InitPlayerPlatformProfile() method call
 CVerticesEngine.Utilities.vxPlatformStringDifferent set of strings based off of
 CVerticesEngine.Plugins.vxPluginManagerThis class handles all of the plugins for a Vertices game, whether it's DLC or Mods
 CVerticesEngine.vxRandomRandom Value Generator
 CVerticesEngine.Utilities.vxRecursiveFileDialogItemProcessorA utility class for handling recursive file dialog processing
 CVerticesEngine.vxSandboxEntityCategoryThis is a main category of Sandbox Entity types. This holds a name and a list of 'sub categories'
 CVerticesEngine.vxSandboxEntityRegistrationInfoThis class holds all information to register an entity with the vxSandbox enviroment
 CVerticesEngine.vxSandboxEntitySubCategoryThis a sub category which holds a list of entities within it
 CVerticesEngine.Utilities.vxSanitizerText sanitizer which ensures properly formatted text, checks for profanity etc..
 CVerticesEngine.vxSceneManagerThe Scene Manager which handles Scene Loading and drawing
 CVerticesEngine.vxScreenThe Engine Graphical Settings Manager which holds all of settings for engine graphics such as resolution, fullscreen, vsync as well as other Depth of Field toggle or Cascade Shadow qaulity
 CVerticesEngine.Serilization.vxSerializableEntityState2DThis holds the Serializable data of a vxEntity3D to be used when saving a file
 CVerticesEngine.Serilization.vxSerializableEntityState3DThis holds the Serializable data of a vxEntity3D to be used when saving a file
 CVerticesEngine.Serilization.vxSerializableEnviromentThis holds the Serializable data of a Enviroment Effects (i.e. Time of Day, Fog, Water etc...)
 CVerticesEngine.Serilization.vxSerializableImportedEntityInfo3DHolds a reference about an internally held imported object
 CVerticesEngine.Serilization.vxSerializableSceneBaseDataThis holds the Serializable data for a vxScene3D including all Entities, Terrains, as well as Level and Enviroment Data
 CVerticesEngine.Serilization.vxSerializableTerrainVertexThis holds the Serializable data for a singular Hieght Map Vertex
 CVerticesEngine.Serilization.vxSerializableTexture2DThis holds the Serializable data of a Texture2D
 CVerticesEngine.Serilization.vxSerializableVersionThis holds the Serializable data of a Enviroment Effects (i.e. Time of Day, Fog, Water etc...)
 CVerticesEngine.vxSettingsThe Serializable Settings class. This class creates Property get/set
 CVerticesEngine.Mathematics.vxSplineA spline curve which has a series of nodes
 CVerticesEngine.Mathematics.vxSplineNodeA node along a VerticesEngine.Mathematics.vxSpline
 CVerticesEngine.Profile.vxStatsManagerA class for handling player stats such as 'number of levels played' 'total number of enemies beaten' etc..
 CVerticesEngine.Utilities.vxSystemInfoHolds the current system info for the machine running the game
 CVerticesEngine.vxTimeA static class which holds a number of different classes for handling time
 CVerticesEngine.vxTransformThis is the main transform class which houses an entities scale, position and orientations
 CVerticesEngine.UI.vxUIArtProvider< T >Art provider base class which holds common elements such as Padding, Highlight colour etc..
 CVerticesEngine.UI.vxUIArtProvider< vxButtonControl >
 CVerticesEngine.UI.vxUIArtProvider< vxComboBox >
 CVerticesEngine.UI.vxUIArtProvider< vxFileDialogItem >
 CVerticesEngine.UI.vxUIArtProvider< vxFileExplorerDirectoryItem >
 CVerticesEngine.UI.vxUIArtProvider< vxFileExplorerItem >
 CVerticesEngine.UI.vxUIArtProvider< vxLabel >
 CVerticesEngine.UI.vxUIArtProvider< vxMenuEntry >
 CVerticesEngine.UI.vxUIArtProvider< vxModDialoglItem >
 CVerticesEngine.UI.vxUIArtProvider< vxScrollBar >
 CVerticesEngine.UI.vxUIArtProvider< vxScrollPanel >
 CVerticesEngine.UI.vxUIArtProvider< vxScrollPanelItem >
 CVerticesEngine.UI.vxUIArtProvider< vxSlider >
 CVerticesEngine.UI.vxUIArtProvider< vxSlideTabPageTab >
 CVerticesEngine.UI.vxUIArtProvider< vxSpinnerControl >
 CVerticesEngine.UI.vxUIArtProvider< vxTabPageControl >
 CVerticesEngine.UI.vxUIArtProvider< vxTabPageTab >
 CVerticesEngine.UI.vxUIArtProvider< vxTextbox >
 CVerticesEngine.UI.vxUIArtProvider< vxToolbar >
 CVerticesEngine.UI.vxUIArtProvider< vxUIControl >
 CVerticesEngine.UI.vxUIArtProvider< vxWorkshopDialogItem >
 CVerticesEngine.UI.vxUIControlThemeItem Theme
 CVerticesEngine.UI.Controls.vxUIImageA helper struct for rendering and positioning Textures using content, position, scale etc..
 CVerticesEngine.UI.vxUITextA helper struct for rendering and positioning text using content, font, position, scale etc..
 CVerticesEngine.UI.Themes.vxUIThemeVx GUI theme
 CVerticesEngine.Utilities.vxUtilCollection of static utility methods
 CVerticesEngine.Workshop.vxWorkshopWorkshop class which handles different player creation providers like Steam Workshop
 CVerticesEngine.Workshop.vxWorkshopSearchQueryWorkshop search criteria
 CVerticesEngine.Workshop.vxWorkshopSearchResultsThe workshop search results